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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

How environment shapes women’s well-being

For many women, the environment they live in profoundly shapes their overall health and happiness. Factors like home conditions, access to financial resources, and environmental health—such as air quality and pollution levels—play a critical role in their well-being. Younger women, in particular, often report feeling the strain of poor environmental conditions, which may explain why many are at the forefront of climate change activism. Their desire to improve their surroundings reflects their drive for a better quality of life.
As women age, however, their satisfaction with life generally increases, especially in areas related to their environment. Older women often report greater peace and contentment, likely due to improved living conditions and more stability in their surroundings. This heightened environmental quality of life becomes a source of value for many, inspiring them to preserve it for future generations. This desire to protect and sustain their environment may even drive older women to advocate for long-term environmental solutions.
To enhance women’s well-being, it is essential to focus on improving the conditions in which they live. Policymakers and communities should prioritise initiatives that enhance home environments, reduce pollution, and ensure access to both financial and social resources. In addition, creating opportunities for women to actively influence and shape their surroundings—through community programs or climate action—can empower them to improve both their immediate environment and their broader societal conditions.
By addressing these factors, we can help women of all ages enjoy better health, happiness, and a higher quality of life.
Source: PLOS ONE
